Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spectator sport

There's full of grass and trees. The winds blow and we play there. Because sometimes there’s danger in there, people don’t bring their child in much. In the place that full of river, grass, trees, and natures sometimes there are wasps and dangerous creatures. it was rare for girls to play because of the sunny weather will burn their skins and make them dark… well, it’s useless to say but sometimes it’s right in the middle of the forest, and some are in the middle of the mountain.

Have a house in there couldn’t get enough. Feels like heaven in the natures is best to stay in summer. Some of the richest guy on earth would buy one in there. Because of the location, you have to think twice because it’s out of town, and really hard to find closest store. The weather’s nice, the location’s nice, the nature’s nice, who would resist buying house in there.

Rich guy loves to play because it’s the easiest sport that really not that tiresome… but it’s also kind of boring. Some person made it until professional, and it earns him much because if you win one match, it can give you a hundred thousand. Sometimes, weather really effect this sports. Because it can cause the flight to stop and drop on the ground and you’ll lose a lot of shot.

Sometimes you’ll get new friends when you joined another group because you go alone… If you play alone, you have to join other groups because the minimum is 3 per group. Also you have to have your gear. It is rich sports because one equipment might cost around ten thousand. The sport that sometimes made everyone bored and sleep while watching a match. Golf